Archives for posts with tag: walk

I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them. Anne Rice


It was a nice day. Really nice. I got my point clear and even the leader got it right. The article was correct. The best way to manage people is just ask them how they want to be managed. This thing really rocks. It just melted away any barriers between the team members. Now regarding the attitude and behaviour, we have got into a nice rhythm. This will be the awesome project. Really awesome one.

I got the air cleared. Got the work on path. Now there was a seminar in morning by the new manager. Ah, and when I gave explanation about an answer, they freaking clapped for me. wtf, thanks to cs, she diverted the attention to me. Ah, thanks for that girl. I never had someone diverting proffs attention to me, till now. Then the usual meeting scenario started. I rarely got the time to socialize. During lunch, some talk with cs. Nothing else.

Evening, even she missed me. It looked like that. One thing for sure, I miss her tiffin. She hasn’t shared it with me for a while. I have noticed that whatever I wish of passionately happens. Glad to realize that. And I am also so grateful for it. Damn awesome feeling! I know what I want. And I receive what I want. It’s just that easy. I love it.

Today, a small group of people went for a hangout. Coffee shop and then mall. Me and cs included. It was the first time that I went out with girls in a mall. Lol. Girlish talk kills me. Argh! Anyways, it’s nice to go out after hateful three days at office. Fuck, today my iPhone charger went missing. Blame it on new manager. Grr, I don’t like people misplacing my stuff. That too iPhone accessory, I’ll kill euyou!

A nice walk with cs dropping her till her dad’s work. Meeting with her parents. And another wish coming true. This day is epicly awesome. That part was real fun. Walking with her in her own area. I don’t know how she agreed. I was feeling bad for her. Anyways it was great to meet her parents. Gosh, they kind of interviewed me. lol. Then getting home, dinner, blog, sleep. I am getting used to it. this is getting awesome!

Life has started to rock again!









Easy reading is damn hard writing. Nathaniel Hawthorne

After coming home late on Friday, all I wanted was a good and long sleep. I got up at 10, and again slept in living room. Then again returned to sleep in bedroom. Finally gym was calling me. I got up, did breakfast and went for gym at 12.30pm. I repeat, 12.30pm.

Then I thought let’s call cs and see what she is up to. I asked her about coming to office this evening regarding the seminar. And yes, she was ready. She had another option, to meet college friends but she chose to be with me. It looks like that. Not sure but just looks like that. And we talked for an hour. Still she wanted more. I was walking to gym and I kept walking for an hour. Ouch! We talked about how she felt about yesterday’s even when yv tried to tell how rude she is. Then about discussions on my onsite project. And about the talk with new manager, pthr. She had told me that she and np talk for an hour. And I wanted to beat it, so I did. Felt really nice to talk to her. I could learn so many things from her. Specially the sacrifice. I would never have told my best friend to get away from me because he is getting a better option but that too risky. Respect to cs. Really. This was the thought in my mind for last two days!

I went to gym and fuck, I couldn’t even lift 20 pounds with ease. I was lost. It was back to square one for me. sd is still mourning the death of his mom. The statement he made today shattered me. He felt that without mother, there is no meaning to life. And then I was lost in my own thoughts. I have mom, but do I respect her the way I should? Answer was no. The value of things that we have can only be understood once they get away from us. This is damn true. Steam bath, getting home at 4.

And then leaving for office at 5. Called up cs again to check if she is coming. Positive response! So finally, I won’t be missing cs this Saturday. The people attending seminar were really cool. Some were entrepreneurs, some start up junkies. I don’t know what the fuck that means. I was enjoying the learning and in-between chats with cs. Quality time. Even in bus, we were discussing about the events. Cs looked impressed by the way they presented themselves. Who the fuck wants to code in html anyways? Lol. I tried to tell her about it. But even I gave it a thought for a moment. It wasn’t that bad. Not at all if you will be working on your own idea!

Back to home and spent some time in booking the tickets for trip. Let’s see. While browsing the web, I stumbled across website of my college pal. Dafuq, he was so much ahead of me in terms of projects. His own ideas. I felt ashamed of myself. Why the fuck did I left learning? Fucking get back to it now. Job and money have eaten up my mind. That’s not the final destination in my life. Knowledge and cool ideas are! And implementing those ideas is my mission. Thanks for motivating me mate!


The desire to write grows with writing. Desiderius Erasmus


Sometimes I feel like a little lost child

sometimes I feel like the chosen one

Sometimes I wanna shout out ’til everything goes quiet

sometimes I wonder why I was ever born

Life can be difficult. One day you lose someone important in your life. Sometimes the time for which you are not together is only few seconds and sometimes it is for life time. It’s all about how you take it. The feeling when I left school, the feeling when I left college, the feeling today, when cs was not going to be with me for the first time in last 5 months. I was feeling as if she had left the job and I was going in office all alone. Seriously, this was the feeling when I left home.

I spent half an hour at railway station just to wait for shitty fast train which was overcrowded and I couldn’t get in. Result? Office at 12. Arrgh, what a day it was, spent almost all the time till lunch doing info-sec work. Office was like a desert. No fun, no one to talk to, no usual hustle –bustle.

Even lunch was kind of boring. There was fun. But it was clear that everyone was missing cs. Hmm. Db’s birthday was celebrated today. It was fun. At least something was funny. And that awkward moment when I left office alone. I walked till railway station due to some traffic problems.

Gym after getting home. Everyone was surprised to see me. Damn, who the fuck says my communication skills suck. Look at me now. This place is awesome. I socialize, I laugh, I gain health, I get respect, I make contacts, I have fun and most importantly, it makes me forget all the shitty stuff that happened with me that day. Awesome! Now getting home walking on a lonely street. Orange streetlamps all over the way and my favorite playlist. I wish this could never end. It was awesome walk. Even better than late night bike ride. Lol. A late night chat with cs to end the day. Ah, morning gym tomorrow at any cost. I swear!
