I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them. Anne Rice


It was a nice day. Really nice. I got my point clear and even the leader got it right. The article was correct. The best way to manage people is just ask them how they want to be managed. This thing really rocks. It just melted away any barriers between the team members. Now regarding the attitude and behaviour, we have got into a nice rhythm. This will be the awesome project. Really awesome one.

I got the air cleared. Got the work on path. Now there was a seminar in morning by the new manager. Ah, and when I gave explanation about an answer, they freaking clapped for me. wtf, thanks to cs, she diverted the attention to me. Ah, thanks for that girl. I never had someone diverting proffs attention to me, till now. Then the usual meeting scenario started. I rarely got the time to socialize. During lunch, some talk with cs. Nothing else.

Evening, even she missed me. It looked like that. One thing for sure, I miss her tiffin. She hasn’t shared it with me for a while. I have noticed that whatever I wish of passionately happens. Glad to realize that. And I am also so grateful for it. Damn awesome feeling! I know what I want. And I receive what I want. It’s just that easy. I love it.

Today, a small group of people went for a hangout. Coffee shop and then mall. Me and cs included. It was the first time that I went out with girls in a mall. Lol. Girlish talk kills me. Argh! Anyways, it’s nice to go out after hateful three days at office. Fuck, today my iPhone charger went missing. Blame it on new manager. Grr, I don’t like people misplacing my stuff. That too iPhone accessory, I’ll kill euyou!

A nice walk with cs dropping her till her dad’s work. Meeting with her parents. And another wish coming true. This day is epicly awesome. That part was real fun. Walking with her in her own area. I don’t know how she agreed. I was feeling bad for her. Anyways it was great to meet her parents. Gosh, they kind of interviewed me. lol. Then getting home, dinner, blog, sleep. I am getting used to it. this is getting awesome!

Life has started to rock again!
